
By 3iii Designs

Upgradeable |  Sustainable | Affordable  

A new standard of living for Canadians

Modul- was designed for the future of Canadian housing. We've utilized the latest advances in construction technology, and smart home energy optimization to design a modular home that meets luxury standards for a fraction of the cost.


Our unique modular design allows for seamless upgradeability. This can even be built into our financing plan, making it easier than ever to plan for your future.


Sustainable housing is only becoming more important. Thats why we're working with some of the top researchers on energy efficiency, and material sustainability. Every Modul is equipped with smart IOT devices that optimize your homes carbon footprint.


Canada is facing a housing crisis that affects everyone from first time buyers, to the aging in place community. Our innovative panel design means you pay a fraction of the cost compared to typical homes.

modul- features

Design innovations you'll love.

Renewable energy

Reduce your home's carbon footprint even further with our renewable energy options. These options include solar, wind, and geothermal heating / cooling.

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Rain water catchment

Save money and energy by utilizing filtered rain water for non-potable uses like lawn irrigation, toilets, washing machines etc. This system can be configured to your specific needs and Modul- location.

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Custom Floor plans

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Modul- allows you to configure your home in a variety of ways to fit your lifestyle and design taste. We offer configurations from 1200 - 3000 Sq Ft, with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom options available.

in slab heating

Stay warm in the winter with in slab heating - a heating solution built right into the floor of your home.

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Modul- design principles

Inspired by Scandinavian living

Their lifestyle is considered one of the healthiest and happiest in the world, a big part of this has to do with ‘the home’ (hemmet) and what they see as important elements for one’s ‘well-being’, (välbefi nnande). It's defined by a preference for everything simple, pure and uncomplicated. This is reflected in the choice of colours, materials, finishes, furnishings and pretty much everything else..

Maintenance free lifestyle

Our materials are carefully selected so that there's almost no required maintenance on the exterior of the home. Cleanliness is a huge part of the Scandinavian culture, the materials and function of each space are easy to clean, and provide a clutter free environment at its best for its purpose.

Incredibly clean living

Modul- will not only meet ASHRAE certifications, it will become the new benchmark. We've taken every detail into consideration to provide a clean, natural living environment while still being efficient. For example, all large windows in the double height spaces are set back 8’. This allows for sun shading and an opportunity for exterior and interior living to cross over on a covered deck area. All other windows are floor to ceiling which will maximize the amount of light entering the rooms while keeping in mind heat gain.

Aging In Place

Toronto, April 27,2021 /CNW/ - A new national survey on aging-in-place and home modifications has revealed Canadians are facing an "aging-in-place gap", as over three-quarters (78 per cent) of Canadians want to age in their current homes – but just 26 per cent predict they'll be able to do so.

3iii modul- has looked at all aspects in the construction details and elements that ensure the home is suitable for the needs of individuals aging in their home as independently as possible.

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